Saturday, February 14, 2015

POORLY Educated Government

This Is Our Flag And No Other
For Those Who Believe In America
For a group of so-called College Educated (Government) people sure don't know how to Balance their check book, but yet they are always telling the American people to live with in their means and not spend more than they make, and save money for their retirement,  but now they want to take it away from us, but the Government lives in a different world then the American people, where money grows on trees and is endless and will never run out.

This Government says that we are falling behind in education, we are raising illiterate kids, so they think that throwing more money into higher wages and less kids per class will make smarter kids, that is hogwash, what will make Americans smarter is more class room teaching and less home work. If the teachers can not do the job then get people who can and want to teach, make the teachers accountable for the poor education.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Just Another Reason That Education Is Getting Behind!

Bob L.     Just My Opinion, But This Has To Be Why The United States Is Falling Behind Other Countries In Education.
Jan. 17th 2015

You would think that by now that these people would see why this Country is falling behind other Countries, Lack of hands on in school, to much testing, to much home work, and not enough learning in school, in other words, teachers are not doing their jobs, they are spending to much time on the picket line and wanting less to do in the class room.

These educators keep saying they are for the kids and that no child will not be left behind, WELL, they are being left behind because these educator are not doing their jobs, wake up and look at what is going on in our education system, lack of education from people who want more money for less work, you get the same thing in a Government job, more money less work, this is more pay with more people to do the same job, (example Ten people doing the same job that four people could do), do less for more.

Teachers Strike Look at some of these signs, it does not say no child left behind, NO,  it says no teacher left behind, now does this tell you why our education is falling behind other Countries, THEY TEACH, not picket for less to do. This was done when school was in operation,  but no, they locked the kids out of school to strike for more money and less to do, and their excuse we are doing it for the kids, who is actually benefiting, not the kids.

While this is happening, there are more people who are not getting the benefits of more money, but they have to pay for these people and try to stretch their pay that is getting smaller to pay for public employees to get more pay. The more the private sector loses in pay the more people are put closer to living on the street, because they can no longer pay their bills to keep a roof over their heads or buy food, how about the people who will not be able to get better pat or cost of living increases. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Quitting Farwell To All, Seasons Greatings

Final Comment By Bob L.
Dec. 3rd 2013

As they say things can not sustain itself without money, that same thing goes for people in private life, you do not have to be a business to be able to survive with out money, it is happening to Americans every day, and they are not the ones at fault, society is the cause.

People who are exposing these problems of what is going on, are being called trouble makers, trouble makers are the people who won't listen to what is happening, and by doing this they are doing just what the Government wants, they want the people to turn against each other, and this is what is happening.

They are using IRS, FBI, EPA, Environmentalists, Special Interest Groups, Churches, Foreign Interest (allowing Terror groups to come in as refuges, some have been caught) and they are using the Race Card every time some one does some thing that does not go their way, this is used by both sides, and by doing this, it puts more pressure on the people and getting them fighting each other, and this list of people know that this will cause the biggest problem and get them fighting so the Government and the rich can keep Americans not trusting each other, the people who you should not trust, are these same people YOU SHOULD NOT TRUST.

We the people should be trusting the people they work with each day, not the people who say that they are working for you, and if you have noticed they are not, they are only working for them selves, so we the people have to get together and take this Country back and put it back in the hands of the United States Constitution, and not in the hands of the people who are trying to DESTROY IT.

As they say people are their own worst enemy, and this is so today, they are afraid to trust the people they work with, which I do believe is true but you can not deny it, but we the people have to get over it and start to think about what you want to leave your Kids and Grand Kids, WHAT FUTURE do you want to leave them, do you want them living under control of a Dictator and living under the total control of Suppression like the Novel of Ebenezer Scrooge, Dickens' Christmas Carol.

As I go on, I agree that we are headed towards the bankruptcy of this country, just like the Citizens who will be in line headed forward to seeing a Judge in the next Ten Years because the more people who can not find a job, why can't they, who is blocking them from finding a job, and why are we still Discriminating of all Legal American Citizens to get a good Education, Jobs, good Health Care, not free Care.

When it comes to jobs, who has control of who works and who does not, THE RICH, who control who gets hired and how, again the Rich, where does Racial Discrimination start, the people who CONTROL THE JOB, SO, who should be Prosecuted for Discrimination, not the people, but the people who set the rules of hiring, then on the other hand, unless the Companies start hiring people to work and cut back on MACHINES, there will not be any jobs to go to, and by this there will not be an income to support buying power for products and money to keep this Country Operating.

Watching Presidential Powers and The Constitution, the same thing was happening as usual, Democrats got up and went through the same thing, Name Calling, Race Card, and this is the problem every time some thing does not go their way, we as American Citizens need to get rid of this, we need to ban all Special Applications and make it that all Legal Americans are Equal, and no Special Privileges for any Legal U.S. Citizen.

This will be the last time I will be able to make any Comments, I am having to shut down my Internet Connection that keeps me from going stir crazy, I have done this since 2003 after a stroke, I know you will say good, well, I am one of those who got stung with Obamacare, and he says no one will get hurt with this plan (to take over), well it is not just hurting the Middle and Lower Class, it is also hurting the Sick and Elderly.

I want to wish you all a happy holiday season and wish you a safe and long life under what they want to tell you what to do with your life. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND MAY YOUR GOD BE WITH YOU, I know you all have a person you believe in and follow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Social Security Going Broke, But It can still pay For Obamacare

Comment By Bob L.
Oct. 29th 2013

How can Obamacare be viable if Social Security is going broke, if you think back, Obama has taken millions of Dollars out of Social Security to pay for his Affordable Health Care, NOW the Question is, How Long can This Affordable Health Care continue to be Affordable to all Americans before prices start to climb, and if you have not noticed, that over the years, Insurance has continues to go up, and no one has done any thing to control that.   

Watching C-Span about the Affordable Health Care Problems, what I was seeing is that the Democrats were as usual spending more on trying to make the Republicans as the ones who don't want to work it out, Democrats are also just as guilty of refusing to negociate, but the Republicans were  the ones asking the Questions that COULD help The Affordable Care Act work, if they could and they would ALL work together and not against each other, all the problems could come up with a health care that would work for all LEGAL Americans Citizens.

If you remember the Democrats put this law together behind closed doors, were the Republicans sitting on the panel to have a say about Obamacaare. 

What they are talking about, people do need a good Health Insurance Program, but they all need to sit down and regulate the Insurance Companies and set the polices to some of what Obamacare has in it, but they should drop the penalties against the people by using the IRS to go out and bully the American people.

Lets get together and put a plan together that every one could work with and keep rates down all the time with no special favors, they regulate the Trucking Industry and many others, why can they not regulate Insurance Companies like they do every one else.

Another one they regulated, were the wages of the Private Sector Employees, but they don't regulate the wages and Benefits of Public Servants, or them selves, so why are the American people regulated to what they will receive in their Health Care, and not the Government and Government Employees, or have to worry about being bullied by the IRS going after them for not getting Health care. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

AARP What Can You Say

Comment By Bob L.
Oct. 22nd 2013

AARP what can you say about them that does not have the word TRAITOR in it, I can not come up with a better word, as you can see AARP is only thinking about them selves and Profits, not protecting Legal Americans Citizens, these are some of the people who are greedy for profits from Obamacare.

Now that they got what they wanted, The Seniors, The Disabled, The Sick, AARP says they are for protecting them, but yet they were part of the instigating of the Affordable Care Act and by doing this they will gain a lot of money from Insurance Companies, and the Government.

The problem with this is that they are also the ones who are making the American Citizen lose their Insurance that you were suppose to keep and not lose, well they are the ones that are making it to where some Insurance Companies are closing their doors, like some Seniors who have lost their Insurance and now have to find one that they can afford.
From what I understand is that they (AARP) want it so that the only Insurance Companies to be in business are the ones that are medigap insurance [private health insurance that supplements coverage for people already covered by government insurance] where you have to
pay any where from One Hundred to Five Hundred Dollars if you want insurance the remainder, Oh that's right, you have to have insurance now or pay a fine, so now here is where KILL GRANDMA and GRANDPA comes in, they ether buy Insurance or Food, as of Jan. 1 2014 you don't have a choice, so what is it you are going to do, start shop lifting so you can have food on the table, or try and get a food card, now if you can, is that not just another Entitlement that they want to stop.

So here we stand, a Government that controls you from birth to death (Dictator Government) that the American people put into office and let them get away with it, now what are you going to do, sit back and watch your freedom disappear and your family die in front of you while Insurance Companies, Governments, Federal, States, Counties, Cities, and the Stock Market make a profit on Stocks and any ways they can from Mandatory Insurance regulations.

And when it all comes down to it, you will probable see more people who will become homeless, and more sick people who will not have a decent meal and who will be turned away by Government Regulations and people who are not Doctors saying who will be treated and when, and who will not.

What are they worth TODAY.

                      And you wonder why Health Care is so Expensive
This also goes for Companies that make this and more, but can not afford Health Care for its Employees, they talk about the over head, well they are the Over head cost to why they can not employ, provide, or increase better pay.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Winner And Losers, Mostly Government Winners

Comment By Bob L.
Oct. 17th 2013

You can not keep the gears turning with out the power to run them, this is what you call, the private sector has to have a job that produces a product which Government does not have, you can not continually spend money on wages with out an income from the American people, so in the mean time it is time it time to make the Government Smaller and get rid of nonessential positions, just like Washington State, it has Jobs that duplicate the same positions.

Here we go again These blotted wind bags of Washington DC are going around patting them selves on the back and saying that the Americans are the winners of their plan to sink America, maybe some Americans who are living on Obama's taxpayer pay checks and medical, but not the Working American who has to go out and work to keep a roof over his Family's head, they are the biggest Losers.

When are the American people going to see that you can not believe a Politician, DEMOCRAT, Republican, or Independent, they are only in there to get all the free PERKS and PROFITS from Special Interest that they can, while they sell all Americans down the river.

Most of these people who believe that Democrats are the leader of America, they are the class of Yuppies who believe money grows on trees and is never ending, and they can get any thing they want at the snap of their fingers, and most of them are public Workers who live off the Taxpayers and would not no how to go out and do a manual labor job with out complaining that it does not pay enough, they would rather sit back and watch others do the work.

Well the American People are the losers again, while these POLITICIANS will go all the way to the BANK LAUGHING at the American People now that the same people got what they wanted, AGAIN.

You can turn on the TV, Radio, pick up a paper, book and you will see all the stories saying how happy they are now that the American are the Winners from this almost Government shutdown, the winners are the ones that don't have to buy Obamacare , because the Taxpayer is going to foot the bill for them all to have health care, while the rest of America will be trying to find out where they will come up with money for their health care.

Now what is going to happen when this all comes crashing down, is the Government going to be able to cover all these people to help them have health insurance again, or are they going to just sit back and say, we told you that it would not work, I think that it will be the latter, the crash of American, and we will be in a Lot Greater Rescission then the 1930's.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Senate hunt for Shutdown and Debt Limit Deal

Comment By Bob L.
Oct. 13th 2013

Here we go again, Obama and the Democrats working on a way to get around the law again (closed door deal) to get what they want, they have done it before, and they are going to do it again.

The people who are fighting them are not just Democrats, Republicans, and Independences, they are the average Legal American who is going to lose, why, because of these greedy Politicians, who are going to profit from these close door deals with Special Interest, who will also make big profits.

Now when are the American people going to stop letting Government take over and run their lives, REMEMBER,  it is a Government for the PEOPLE, NOT for the Government Politicians to make a profit off the backs of all Legal working American.

People get off your ASS and start letting this Government know, and that you are not going to let this go on, and People, don't just look in the mirror and say it looks good to me, they are doing what I want, hell with it if it is not working for the Country, it is working for me. 


Senate leads hunt for shutdown and debt limit deal

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senators put faith in party leaders Sunday to devise a plan that would reopen the government and steer clear of a potential default this week, saying it's unthinkable that political obstinacy would prevent the United States from paying its bills.

With House leaders sidelined, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have taken the lead on discussions in the fiscal crisis. That raised the level of optimism among some senators that a deal could be reached even as Reid has said there was a "long ways to go" and few details on the leaders' talks have emerged.